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Bruce Cook – President & Founder of Choosing the Best
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Provides 400,000+ Students with Life-changing 
Message about Teen Pregnancy Prevention


Atlanta, September 22, 2023  — Choosing the Best, one of the nation’s leading providers of abstinence-centered, sexual risk avoidance (SRA) education for adolescents, was presented with an Outstanding Service Award by the Adolescent Pregnancy Prevention (APP) Unit of the Division of Family and Children Services, Georgia Department of Human Services (DHS). Since 2010, Choosing the Best has worked with APP to provide Title V funded SRA sex education to adolescent students throughout Georgia. During the award presentation, Choosing the Best was praised for exceptional and sustained contributions towards preventing teen pregnancy in Georgia, including:

  • Providing Title V-funded SRA education to over 400,000 Georgia students since 2016.
  • Working with over 20 Georgia counties, 9 of which have used Choosing the Best since 2016, and for continually increasing the number of participating schools.
  • Providing excellent and high levels of teacher training, teacher assistance, and delivery of services, including timely reports.
  • Offering an innovative, virtual curriculum.

For the past two decades, Choosing the Best has been and continues to be widely used in middle and high schools throughout Georgia, working with both schools that utilize Title V funding and those that do not. Since 2010, over 1 million Georgia students received the Choosing the Best curricula, during which time there has been a 65% reduction in the state’s teen pregnancy rate[1]. Currently, Choosing the Best is utilized by 13 of the top 20 school districts in Georgia. Over 5 million students have completed Choosing the Best nationwide.

The purpose of the Title V State Sexual Risk Avoidance Education (SRAE) Program is to fund sex education that educates and empowers youth to voluntarily refrain from sexual activity.[2] In line with Title V program goals, Choosing the Best curricula educate middle and high school students about:

  • Personal responsibility, self-regulation, and goal setting.
  • Healthy decision-making with a focus on the future.
  • Foundational components of healthy relationships and their impact on the formation of healthy marriages and safe and stable families.
  • Sexual violence prevention, including how to obtain help for victims.
  • The effect of other youth risk behaviors, such as drug and alcohol usage, on increasing the risk for unplanned and/or unwanted sexual activity.

According to Bruce Cook, Founder and President of Choosing the Best, “We deeply appreciate this award, particularly the recognition that through Title V funding, Choosing the Best has been able to provide a life-changing message to over 400,000 Georgia students during the past eight years, positively impacting the lives of so many students and families.