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Bruce Cook – President & Founder of Choosing the Best
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Teen Pregnancy Rates Slashed by nearly 50% since Abstinence Education Implemented

Atlanta, June 22, 2007 — Since the initiation of abstinence education in Georgia eleven years ago, Georgia has again seen a sharp decline in teen pregnancy rates. The latest data shows that pregnancy rates among Georgia teens aged 15-17 have fallen from 68 (per 1000) in 1994 to 36 in 2005, a decrease of 46% over the past 11 years. View chart

In a joint press release, Georgia Senators Saxby Chambliss and Johnny Isakson praised Georgia’s abstinence education programs. “It is important to offer programs that encourage Georgia’s youth to make healthy and wise choices,” Senator Isakson said. “Abstinence education has contributed greatly in helping Georgia teens make the right decisions.” 

The decline in teen pregnancy  began in 1995 after the Georgia Department of Education established a policy requiring abstinence education in public schools, as well as the creation of parent-involved sex education review committees to oversee selection and administration of sex education programs within each district.

“Parents and educators are to be congratulated for getting these important programs adopted and successfully implemented in their communities,” said Bruce Cook, President and CEO of Choosing the Best, “and we’re excited by the roleChoosing the Best has been able to play in helping Georgia achieve these tremendous results.” Choosing the Best is the most widely used abstinence curriculum in Georgia. Over half of all Georgia middle school students have received Choosing the Best.

“There are so many pressures facing our nation’s youth today,” said Senator Chambliss. “I think it is very important that we educate our young people about consequences and accountability, and encourage them to make the right decisions and maintain a healthy lifestyle. I believe abstinence education is a necessary investment in their future.”